Holidays Around the World
The following table lists the date and name for select national holidays in countries around the world. Find the day, month, and year of inception for independence, revolution, flag, and founding days of more than 100 nations.
August 19 (1919)
Independence Day
November 28 (1912)
Independence Day
November 1 (1954)
Revolution Day
April 17 (1900)
Flag Day
September 8 (1278)
Our Lady of Meritxell Day
November 11 (1975)
Independence Day
November 1 (1981)
Independence Day (National Day)
May 25 (1810)
Revolution Day
September 21 (1991)
Independence Day
March 18 (1976)
Flag Day
January 26 (1788)
Australia Day
October 26 (1955)
National Day2
May 28 (1918)
Founding of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan
July 10 (1973)
Independence Day
December 16 (1971)
National Day3
March 26 (1971)
Independence Day4
November 30 (1966)
Independence Day
July 3 (1944)
Independence Day5
July 21 (1831)
Ascension to the Throne of King Leopold I
September 21 (1981)
Independence Day
August 1 (1960)
National Day
May 24
Bermuda Day
December 17 (1907)
National Day6
August 6 (1825)
Independence Day
November 25 (1943)
National Day
September 30 (1966)
Independence Day (Botswana Day)
September 7 (1822)
Independence Day
July 1 (1956)
Territory Day
February 23 (1984)
National Day7
March 3 (1878)
Liberation Day
December 11 (1958)
Republic Day
July 1 (1962)
Independence Day
November 9 (1953)
Independence Day
May 20 (1972)
Republic Day (National Day)
July 1 (1867)
Canada Day
July 5 (1975)
Independence Day
First Monday in July
Constitution Day
December 1 (1958)
Republic Day
August 11 (1960)
Independence Day
September 18 (1810)
Independence Day
October 1 (1949)
Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China
July 20 (1810)
Independence Day
July 6 (1975)
Independence Day
August 15 (1960)
Independence Day
June 30 (1960)
Independence Day
First Monday in August (1965)
Constitution Day
September 15 (1821)
Independence Day
August 7 (1960)
Independence Day
October 8 (1991)
Independence Day8
January 1 (1959)
Triumph of the Revolution
October 1 (1960)
Independence Day9
October 28 (1918)
Czech Founding Day
June 5 (1849)
Constitution Day10
June 27 (1977)
Independence Day
November 3 (1978)
Independence Day
February 27 (1844)
Independence Day
November 28 (1975)
Independence Day
August 10 (1809)
Independence Day (independence of Quito)
July 23 (1952)
Revolution Day
September 15 (1821)
Independence Day
October 12 (1968)
Independence Day
May 24 (1993)
Independence Day
February 24 (1918)
Independence Day11
May 28 (1991)
National Day (defeat of Mengistu regime)
May 9 (1950)
Europe Day12
2nd Monday of October (1970)
Independence Day
December 6 (1917)
Independence Day
July 14 (1790)
Fete de la Federation13
July 14 (1789)
Bastille Day
August 17 (1960)
Independence Day
February 18 (1965)
Independence Day
May 26 (1918)
Independence Day14
October 3 (1990)
Unity Day
March 6 (1957)
Independence Day
September 10 (1967)
National Day15
March 25 (1821)
Independence Day
June 21
Longest day
February 7 (1974)
Independence Day
1st Monday in March (1521)
Discovery Day
September 15 (1821)
Independence Day
May 9 (1945)
Liberation Day
October 2 (1958)
Independence Day
September 24 (1973)
Independence Day
February 23 (1970)
Republic Day
January 1 (1804)
Independence Day
April 24 (2005)
Coronation Day of Pope Benedict XVI
September 15 (1821)
Independence Day
October 1 (1949)
National Day (Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China)16
August 20
Saint Stephen's Day
June 17 (1944)
Independence Day
January 26 (1950)
Republic Day
August 17 (1945)
Independence Day
April 1 (1979)
Republic Day
July 17 (1968)
Revolution Day17
March 17
Saint Patrick's Day
July 5
Tynwald Day
April or May 14 (1948)
Independence Day1
June 2 (1946)
Republic Day
August 6 (1962)
Independence Day
December 23 (1933)
Birthday of Emperor Akihito
May 9 (1945)
Liberation Day
May 25 (1946)
Independence Day
December 16 (1991)
Independence Day
December 12 (1963)
Independence Day
July 12 (1979)
Independence Day
September 9 (1948)
Founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
August 15 (1945)
Liberation Day
February 25 (1950)
National Day
August 31 (1991)
Independence Day
December 2 (1975)
Republic Day
November 18 (1918)
Independence Day18
November 22 (1943)
Independence Day
October 4 (1966)
Independence Day
July 26 (1847)
Independence Day
September 1 (1969)
Revolution Day
August 15
Assumption Day
February 16 (1918)
Independence Day19
June 23
National Day (Birthday of Grand Duchess Charlotte)20
October 1 (1949)
National Day (Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China)21
August 2 (1903)
Ilinden Uprising Day22
June 26 (1960)
Independence Day
July 6 (1964)
Independence Day (Republic Day)
August 31 (1957)
Independence Day/Malaysia Day
July 26 (1965)
Independence Day
September 22 (1960)
Independence Day
September 21 (1964)
Independence Day
May 1 (1979)
Constitution Day
November 28 (1960)
Independence Day
March 12 (1968)
Independence Day
July 14 (1789)
Bastille Day
September 16 (1810)
Independence Day
May 10 (1979)
Constitution Day
August 27 (1991)
Independence Day
November 19 (1857)
National Day (Saint Rainier's Day)
July 11 (1921)
Independence Day/Revolution Day
July 13 (1878)
National Day
July 30 (1999)
Throne Day (accession of King Mohamed VI to the throne)
June 25 (1975)
Independence Day
March 21 (1990)
Independence Day
January 31 (1968)
Independence Day
April 30 (1909 and 1980)
Queen's Day (Birthday of Queen-Mother Juliana and accession to the throne of her oldest daughter Beatrix)
April 30 (1909 and 1980)
Queen's Day (Birthday of Queen-Mother Juliana and accession to the throne of her oldest daughter Beatrix)
July 14 (1789)
Bastille Day
February 6 (1840)
Waitangi Day (Treaty of Waitangi established British sovereignty over New Zealand)
September 15 (1821)
Independence Day
December 18 (1958)
Republic Day
October 1 (1960)
Independence Day (National Day)
February 6 (1840)
Waitangi Day (Treaty of Waitangi established British sovereignty over New Zealand)
June 8 (1856)
Bounty Day (commemorates the arrival of Pitcairn Islanders)
January 8 (1978)
Commonwealth Day
May 17 (1814)
Constitution Day
November 18 (1940)
Birthday of Sultan Qaboos
March 23 (1956)
Republic Day
July 9 (1979)
Constitution Day
November 3 (1903)
Independence Day
September 16 (1975)
Independence Day
May 14–15 (1811)
Independence Day
July 28 (1821)
Independence Day
June 12 (1898)
Independence Day23
May 3 (1791)
Constitution Day
June 10 (1580)
Portugal Day (Day of Portugal)24
September 3 (1971)
Independence Day
December 1 (1918)
Unification Day (of Romania and Transylvania)
June 12 (1990)
Russia Day
July 1 (1962)
Independence Day
September 19 (1983)
Independence Day
February 22 (1979)
Independence Day
July 14 (1789)
Bastille Day25
July 14 (1789)
Bastille Day
October 27 (1979)
Independence Day
June 1 (1962)
Independence Day Celebration26
September 3 (A.D. 301)
Founding of the Republic
July 12 (1975)
Independence Day
September 23 (1932)
Unification of the Kingdom
April 4 (1960)
Independence Day
February 15
National Day
June 18 (1993)
Constitution Day (National Day)
April 27 (1961)
Independence Day
August 9 (1965)
National Day
September 1 (1992)
Constitution Day
June 25 (1991)
Independence Day/Statehood Day
July 7 (1978)
Independence Day
July 1 (1960)
Foundation of the Somali Republic27
April 27 (1994)
Freedom Day
October 12 (1492)
National Day28
February 4 (1948)
Independence Day
January 1 (1956)
Independence Day
November 25 (1975)
Independence Day
September 6 (1968)
Independence Day
June 6 (1916)
Swedish Flag Day, National Day (1983)
August 1 (1291)
Founding of the Swiss Confederation
April 17 (1946)
Independence Day
October 10 (1911)
Republic Day (Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution)
September 9 (1991)
Independence Day (or National Day)
April 26 (1964)
Union Day (Tanganyika and Zanzibar)
December 5 (1927)
Birthday of King Phumiphon (Bhumibol)
April 27 (1960)
Independence Day
February 6 (1840)
Waitangi Day (Treaty of Waitangi established British sovereignty over New Zealand)
June 4 (1970)
Emancipation Day
August 31 (1962)
Independence Day
March 20 (1956)
Independence Day29
October 29 (1923)
Republic Day
October 27 (1991)
Independence Day
August 30 (1976)
Constitution Day
October 1 (1978)
Independence Day
October 9 (1962)
Independence Day
August 24 (1991)
Independence Day30
December 2 (1971)
Independence Day
July 4 (1776)
Independence Day
August 25 (1825)
Independence Day
September 1 (1991)
Independence Day
July 30 (1980)
Independence Day
July 5 (1811)
Independence Day
September 2 (1945)
Independence Day
March 27 (1917)
Transfer Day (from Denmark to the US)
July 14 (1789)
Bastille Day
May 22 (1990)
Unification Day
October 24 (1964)
Independence Day
April 18 (1980)
Independence Day

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